I have seen one church change from pretty much monoethnic (White) to diverse in a relatively short period of time, and remain diverse to this day. When I think of this dramatic change, I can think of no better descriptor…
How We Learned about Race and Racial Reconciliation (and You Can, Too): Part 2, Early Lessons about Race at Church and through Relationships

In my previous post, I mentioned our early learning about race received a huge boost from joining an African-American church in Waukegan and from our relationship with the Whiteheads. When I was discussing this time with my wife, Cheryl, we…
How We Learned about Race and Racial Reconciliation (and You Can, Too): Part 1, African-American Church and Education through Relationships

In my blogging, I have generally minimized talking about myself and my experiences. However, rereading Being White for my previous posts reminded me of the power of someone’s story. Harris and Schaupp shared powerful stories related to their learning about…